
Tips to become motivated and to keep exercising in winter.

Stick­ing to reg­u­lar exer­cise can be a chal­lenge. The results though can be fantastic.

Here are four quick ideas to help you:

Seek Sup­port
Find a friend who shares your goals or get to know a trainer or instruc­tor who will encour­age you to work that lit­tle bit harder, who will make sure you get out of bed and who will help you plan, and stick with, your exer­cise schedule.

Reg­u­lar Classes
This is a big one! Most peo­ple who exer­cise reg­u­larly (the peo­ple with the great bod­ies) have a clear sched­ule and exer­cise every day. Most of these will attend reg­u­lar classes or ses­sions. Find a class you like and make a com­mit­ment to go every week, find two classes you like and make a com­mit­ment to go every week, find three classes… you get the idea.

As an aside, in our expe­ri­ence, early morn­ings are the best times. Less dis­trac­tion and less chance of hav­ing some­one else change your mind.

Real­is­tic Goals
To make exer­cise really worth it set­ting real­is­tic goals with real­is­tic mile­stones can really help with moti­va­tion. The goal doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily need to be an organ­ised event or race it could be a tar­get weight, it could be a dress size… the key is to set it and keep it front of mind. As your exer­cise classes con­tinue the progress toward your goal can be a huge fac­tor in keep­ing you motivated.

Spice it Up
To stay moti­vated change can really help. Doing an exer­cise class that con­tin­u­ally adds new chal­lenges or sim­ply mixes up the for­mats can be a big help. You might also find that some types of exer­cise are really fun and don’t seem like exer­cise at all. We’ve designed the Barre Attack classes such that par­tic­i­pants get a great work­out but also get a feel for a few Bal­let steps, we’ve also ensured that there is a large reper­toire so instruc­tors can really mix it up.

So don’t sit on the side­lines, get mov­ing. Start small, keep moti­vated, and enjoy a life­time of great reaults.