
Six Reasons Barre Classes Will Make You Sexy

Barre Attack is one of the best new and inno­v­a­tive ways to stay in shape. Why? Because it helps you look and feel sexy! Var­i­ous celebri­ties are already using it, more places are offer­ing classes and because you don’t need any expe­ri­ence or spe­cial gear every­one can give it a go.

So how does Barre Attack make you more sexy? Here are six rea­sons just for starters.

1) Core Muscles
Barre class is like a ver­ti­cal form of yoga or Pilates. Some peo­ple call it Pilates Boot Camp. You will develop mus­cles you did not even know you had! Your core will be stronger, and that is sexy!

2) Flex­i­bil­ity
Who does not like being more flex­i­ble? You will be able to bend and move like a bal­le­rina when you are done!

3) Bet­ter Posture
Thanks to devel­op­ing new mus­cles and a focus on stand­ing sta­bil­ity, your pos­ture will improve dra­mat­i­cally. Plus, it will make you more ener­gized through­out the day. Just remem­ber to keep your shoul­ders back and square no mat­ter where you hap­pen to be. Barre class teaches you the var­i­ous ways that good pos­ture can help you look leaner and stronger.

4) Grace­ful­ness
Bal­leri­nas are so full of grace. How is that not sexy? Barre Attack classes teach you the fun­da­men­tals of bal­let (the cre­ator danced with the Ham­burg Bal­let). Bal­leri­nas have a cer­tain con­fi­dence and poise. If you want that for your­self, then go to a Barre Attack class!

5) Rhythm and Dancing
One focus of our Barre teacher train­ing is show­ing our instruc­tors how to teach clients cor­rectly and to ensure every­one is mov­ing with the music. That new-found rhythm will give you extra con­fi­dence on the dance floor, and may help you grab the atten­tion of other dancers ?

6) Toned and Lithe
Barre Attack classes con­tain a healthy dose of car­dio, and that means you’ll be burn­ing calo­ries while ton­ing those areas that will make you look hot. Your butt, thighs, arms and tummy will thank you.

Barre Attack com­bines the best fea­tures of Pilates, Dance and Fit­ness and although none of the above will hap­pen overnight we’re sure you’ll notice a big dif­fer­ence after just a few classes. Good Luck, we hope you enjoy.