
Spring into your Spring Workout Routine

It’s Spring! The sun is out and it’s a great time to get your work­out rou­tine sorted.

It you’re read­ing this and think­ing you should start your own rou­tine this post is for you.

Here are three very sim­ple things to get you started.

1. Stop Think­ing, Talk­ing and Read­ing - DO IT NOW

That’s right. There is no time like the present. Now of course you could be sit­ting on a bus or in your office so maybe you can’t do it this very sec­ond. Or can you? Maybe do a stretch, go for a quick walk, book your­self into a class. The trick is to sim­ply start doing.

2. Be Realistic

You can’t go from doing noth­ing to doing an hour a day. So start with a sim­ple goal and track your per­for­mance. In the next 24 hours spend at least 15 min­utes exer­cis­ing. In the next week do at least one class. The trick is to set small incre­men­tal goals, write them down and be hon­est about your performance.

3. Take a Friend — Be Accountable

Start doing, be real­is­tic and finally make your­self account­able. A great way it to involve a friend. Agree to meet up for a work­out. You plan the first one have them plan the next one. Put your plan some­where vis­i­ble, share it with your part­ner… drag them along.

That’s it :)

If you’re still read­ing go back up to the first sug­ges­tion… start now, good luck!