
3 Tips for a great Barre Class

So you’re think­ing about attend­ing your first Barre Class.  First of all, good move. Barre Classes are great fun and a great workout.

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Not all Barre Classes are the same but as a gen­eral rule you can expect them to be more phys­i­cal then a Pilates work­out. That is, more car­dio and more sweat, but again that can vary depend­ing on the method and teacher.

So… some tips

1. Be Com­fort­able. Most peo­ple will wear typ­i­cal work­out clothes and go with­out socks although some peo­ple will keep socks on or wear socks with extra grip. It can also be a good idea to bring a towel and water.

2. Be Sen­si­ble. If you’ve got any injuries or sim­i­lar you should let the teacher know. Although Barre classes are great for flex­i­bil­ity and ton­ing if you’ve got any issues you could eas­ily aggra­vate them. That’s because barre classes will gen­er­ally work most parts of the body. So don’t go crazy the first time, save it for the second :)

3. Be Relaxed. That is, relax and enjoy. Music should be play­ing, energy should be high, your legs will prob­a­bly be burn­ing, and your bum might even be shak­ing of its own accord. Barre classes are a work­out, so expect to work. But just think how good you’ll look :)

4. Yes, we did say 3 tips so think of this as a bonus. Be patient. That seems like a strange tip but Barre Classes gen­er­ally use a mix of Pilates related moves, dance or bal­let related moves and typ­i­cal car­dio of fit­ness exer­cises. Some of these may not be famil­iar and may take you sev­eral classes to get com­fort­able with. If you don’t have a bal­let back­ground some terms may not be famil­iar (Plie any­one?). Just make sure you watch the instruc­tor closely and don’t worry you’ll pick it up soon enough.

Barre Classes are great fun and high energy. I hope you enjoy xx

If you’ve got any tips or ideas please share them below.